  • Customs Data

    Customs Data is collected from Customs of various countries. It unfolds trading activities of 230 countries. The data is covered with details of company names ,Hs code, Goods description, Quantity, Price, Contact details. It is useful in having in-depth market analysis of commodities, companies and countries.

  • Shipping Data

    By closely working with Shipping lines, we acquire plenty of B/L Data, which indicate full information of shipment from worldwide and clearly showing the exporter, consignee, date,etc. The data will enable client to have more trade information.

  • One Belt One Road Data

    One Belt One Road is the program which is created by China to establish a network of railways, roads, pipelines, and utility grids that would link China and Central Asia, West Asia, and parts of South Asia. We have special data for this program as important supplement of Customs Data

Products & Services

  • Trade Platform

    Based on online data base of Customs Data, Shipping Data and One Belt One Road Data, we offer real-time monitoring of shipping records, trade trends, smart search of active customers, contact information and analysis of various countries in different industry.
  • China Local Service

    We are providing services of Marketing, Warehousing, Sourcing, Supplier investigation, Contract negotiation, Manufacturing monitoring, FAT, Disputes Settlement to Overseas companies by flexible cooperation method.
  • Global Running Program

    Through our global human resources platform, we offer overseas localization marketing solutions for Chinese companies, such as Meeting appointment, Sign order, Customer relationship development, Disputes settlement, etc.

Our Advantages

  • 230 Countries

    Owning the largest amount of data than any other supplier which cover 230 countries with more than 3 billion transaction records

    Real-time update

    Realize direct cooperation with all customs which is open to ensure data is first hand, accurate and timely updated.

    One-click analysis function

    The system support one-click function to find major markets for each industry and top 10 importer & exporter in each country.

    Smart tracking

    The platform support smart tracking for specific company and show their supply chain and target customers.

    Exclusive partner

    We are exclusive customs data provider for Turkey, Singapore, Poland, Georgia, Moldova, Brazil, Zambia, Congo, Malawi, etc.

    Data cloud storage

    By using cutting-edge cloud computing and storage technology, searching data become much more safer and faster


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